Become the Christ
Seeking Truth with others

The gospel is the good news. We propose to seek the truth with others to bring your happiness, that of being a Christian. May life be beautiful and joyful while trying to convince.

Although you are told how to become Christ, we give different paths to truth, which will bring you the joy of your belief.

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Matthieu GIROUX
(33) (0) 2 23 46 06 54 (France)

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Telling with Acts
by Matthieu Giroux
on Wednesday 30 January 2019

I often wondered why prophets judged with acts. In fact, there are reasons for this, which not only convince the one who wants evil, but the wrongdoer is also guilty.
The one who wants evil thinks about the act he might commit. Then this act forwards him. So the prophet must tell the truth about the act to convince the wrongdoer. Telling the truth requires to have sought the wrongdoer’s truth. If the evildoer hides his truth, an inter-personal intelligence, alone, will allow to tell for (...)