Become the Christ
Seeking Truth with others

The gospel is the good news. We propose to seek the truth with others to bring your happiness, that of being a Christian. May life be beautiful and joyful while trying to convince.

Although you are told how to become Christ, we give different paths to truth, which will bring you the joy of your belief.

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Seeking the truth helps to find happiness....
Article published on 30 September 2018

by Matthieu Giroux

Seeking the truth helps to find happiness. Our mind is satisfied with the truth. That’s how we were all designed. Those who repress the truth are unhappy. To seek the truth is to understand how the world works.

At the beginning we look for different truths. We are dissatisfied to switch from one to the other. Then we are interested in a truth that clashes our life because it challenges us. So we create hypotheses while seeking the truth. Then, one day, our soul answers us. So, we ask questions to find the truth. We are looking for the truth through meditation and dialogue.

We are made to solve problems. To be afraid of problems is not to be prepared to find the solution. It’s normal to be afraid of problems. But searching for truth makes it possible to quickly find the solutions, to no longer be afraid of others, by dialogue, meditating.

Intuition gives us knowledge. Sometimes she surprises us, if we listen. Intuition helps us to solve our truth’s research. It’s about using intuition to transform more easily. Answering his intuition can be fulfilled for his happiness and that of others.

So, sometime, we wonder how we could, so easily, find a solution to such complex problems. God may have helped us.

So, we can temporarily reach the truth. We will have awakened his senses. Dialogue with others will have transformed us. We are then Christ. The Holy Spirit can at this moment help us, for our cause, which is in the truth. When the Holy Spirit leaves us, he remains a part of him in us, in our soul.

We can be smart to become Christ. We can say that the truth is that is true for all and that few know. So we search, in chaos, those whom know. We then find the hidden origin of the sources, which is found through dialogue with scientific politicians. So we learn the economy that guesses the future of society, to bring the good news of growth.

My Notes

Write the questions you ask yourself?

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