Become the Christ
Seeking Truth with others

The gospel is the good news. We propose to seek the truth with others to bring your happiness, that of being a Christian. May life be beautiful and joyful while trying to convince.

Although you are told how to become Christ, we give different paths to truth, which will bring you the joy of your belief.

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Matthieu GIROUX
(33) (0) 2 23 46 06 54 (France)

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Seeking Humility
by Matthieu Giroux
on Monday 1 October 2018

We are flawed at first. But our soul will allow us, later, to perhaps find perfection. That’s why being humble is important.
The one who is humble is able to forget himself to be fully available to others. He can forget himself to accomplish the best gestures that adapt to others. So, every time we perceive our humility, we say that it is scientific, that is, adapted to nature. So, we leave our pride to replace it with the joy of humility and dialogue.
When we see someone, we are (...)